About Ashish Monga

Ashish is the founder of IMEX Sourcing Services, a sourcing & QC company helping people importing from China manage their costs & risks as well as develop new products. Ashish also does consultancy work in the field of International Trade & Import Risk Management & loves to write during his free time.

How to get Suppliers in China to respond to your emails? 5 ways to improve your response rate when contacting suppliers with requests for quotations (RFQ’s)

seen zoned

One of the pet peeves of importers importing from China is that Chinese suppliers don’t reply to email requests for quotations or are generally slow at responding to emails.

This issue has come up in so many discussions I have had in the past that it deserves a post.

I won’t go into too much detail about why Chinese suppliers don’t reply to emails as my fellow China business blogger, Mike Michelini has done an excellent job of that in his post “Why Chinese Don’t reply to my emails”.

To summarise, there are both cultural & practical reasons why Chinese suppliers are slow at responding to emails or do not bother to reply at all. Mike mentions:

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5 Uncommon Reasons for Sea Shipping Delays from China 10 Reasons for Sea Shipping Delays from China – Part 2

PirateIn the first part of this article, I looked at 5 common reasons for sea shipping delays from China.

Here are 5 less-common reasons that can lead to delays with your shipments. Many of these are factors that can’t really be planned for.

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5 Common Reasons for Shipping Delays from China 10 Causes of Shipping Delays from China - Part 1

Freight Ship

Often when our clients enquire about the transit time for their container to reach their port, we like to add a week over the transit time stated by the shipping line.

To this, they often come back stating that their forwarding company told them it takes a week less.

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