Announcing the Launch of “The Sourcing Blog”

I am excited to announce the launch of “The Sourcing Blog”. I hope through this blog, we can share information on subjects like, Sourcing from China, Quality Control, Supply Chain Management, Risk-Management & related areas.

Some of the key objectives of the blog would be to:

  • Share strategies for importers so they can optimize & streamline their imports
  • Share industry-related sources that could be of value to new & existing importers
  • Share information about the culture & working practices of suppliers in China
  • Share import strategies for e-commerce sellers, especially eBay Powersellers & Amazon FBA sellers
  • Share information on “Quality Control” & related subjects when importing from China
  • Share advice for “Fraud Prevention” in International Trade

You may also want to check the “About this Blog” page for the motivation behind starting this blog. I hope I can bring some value through the blog & hope to connect with some of you via the comments section or Linkedin. To stay updated when new content is added to the blog, please make sure to subscribe to blog updates here or subscribe to the RSS Feed.


Ashish is the founder of IMEX Sourcing Services, a sourcing & QC company helping people importing from China manage their costs & risks as well as develop new products. Ashish also does consultancy work in the field of International Trade & Import Risk Management & loves to write during his free time.

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